Feeling Overwhelmed Yet? Good. Let’s Talk Marketing.

“I’ve got a business!” Hold on—before you pop that confetti, there’s a little thing called marketing (it’s what takes your business from bust to success) and that’s about to take center stage in your life. And let me tell you, it can feel like being pulled in a million different directions at once (it isn’t as painful though as it sounds, just takes a bit of concentration). Seriously, have you ever tried juggling chainsaws? I saw a man do that once. I still have nightmares. This isn’t like that. Well, this might be just as intense (but with fewer injuries).

You see, promoting your business is no small feat. Like those chainsaws, marketing is a juggling act. Whether you’re hitting the digital streets or trying to make a splash locally, marketing is basically a full-time job all by itself. That means when you start a business you are holding down two full time jobs, one is the business the other is promoting it. Ah! The pressure! I’m sure the guy I saw juggling felt it too.

What if I told you that choosing the right promotional materials could ease some of that stress? Yep! That’s where I come in. I’m here to tell you just that.

So what exactly are we talking about when it comes to print materials? Let’s break it down into small manageable bites, like cookies, but less tasty, because who needs more overwhelm in their life? I don’t!

It’s time for some classics! And a rule: Start small, stay with what works, and make an impression.

First up are business cards. Now, I know what you might be thinking—aren’t they a bit old school? Sure. You got me there. But hear me out! They work. Why? There’s something undeniably gold about them. Say you’re at a networking event, and you meet someone who just sparks your interest, cool, maybe thy will feel the same about you. You chat, share ideas, and think to yourself, “Wow, what a great connection!” Then in the blink of an eye, poof! Their name slips from your memory like water through your fingers. Splashes on the floor, and then somebody mops it up, not you though. You’ve found somebody who just sparks your interest. This is GREAT! I love networking events, so many great people! That’s where, wait for it, a well-designed business card swoops in to save the day (or work asa a little reminder of that amazing potential contact). You whip it out with confidence (your business card, jeez) and hand it over—not only do drop contact info about who you are, but you’ve also made an impression (even terrible business cards do this, just sub-optimally). Here’s a bonus tip I’ve learned over the years—consider having two types of business cards—one specifically for formal networking events the another for those more casual daily encounters. I call it the beater. It saves money on your posh cards, yet, this way, you’ll always have a card at your fingertips!

Next on our list … flyers and brochures. This really depends on your business type, but they are worth considering. If you’re new to the local scene or planning an event that needs some buzz, then these pieces can be perfect for quick promotions! They are also pretty cheap. Usually around the same price as business cards if you buy a bulk of them. I like to think of flyers as mini billboards; and I mean, they need to grab attention without overwhelming passersby with too much information. Create a good impression. The key here is simplicity! Bright colors (don’t puke colors onto the flyer, think bright but tasteful) and clean design will help ensure that when someone spots your flyer (if it is too bright, from across the street, and they’ll keep going’)—or even just glances at it in their hand—make sure that it pulls them in rather than leaves them confused.

Now let’s talk about those charming little postcards you may have seen around town. This one really depends on what you’re going for, but these gems are incredibly versatile tools. They are more than scaled up business cards. Employ them for keeping your brand fresh in people’s minds—and they fit so nicely into mailboxes! Practical isn’t it? It’s almost like they were meant to be there. Postcards can serve various purposes so don’t be afraid to make use of them. For examle you might use them for special promotions (think clearance sales and the like) or send personalized notes to loyal customers. Now I am not suggesting saying something sweet like “We miss you!” But that was sweet of you to say. It’s those little touches that show your customers they’re valued and … remembered. Because a remembered customer is a valuable customer.

Moving on to banners and signs, if you’re planning an event or setting up shop at a local market, trust me when I say banners will become your best friend! They are also pricier. Yet, they have the magical ability to draw eyes (when done right) from across the room (or parking lot). The goal is to optimize information intake. In mere seconds, they convey key information—like who you are what amazing things you’re offering—all while being visually striking enough to make people stop and take note. A well designed banner and signage is worth it, and depending on your needs reusable. They are also more expensive, oh wait, I mentioned that already.

Last but certainly not least are promotional products. At least if it relates to your industry. Let’s think beyond paper here (I’m suggesting swag, do people still say that?); you can for got branded pens, tote bags, or even stickers, anything really that can leave a lasting impressions long after potential customers have pocketed the goods. Imagine someone using your pen (I got one from a mechanic and then went on to get my oil changed there every year) or carrying around your tote bag while grocery shopping (I got all of my totes for free, but I’m cheap)—it’s like gifting free advertising every time someone interacts with those products; it’s truly a win-win situation! Because, like branded shirts they become walking billboards.

So there we go, I did it—five tried-and-true marketing materials which will help amplify your brand’s awareness whether you’re just starting out or looking to spruce things up a bit. Sprucing is something you should never neglect! Each has its unique charm and effectiveness when used thoughtfully! From humble business cards for B2B or B2C to banners and other promotional materials they all have a place.

Now that we’ve thrown some ideas around let’s get practical—but wait…don’t forget about strategy amid all this chaos! One thing nobody needs is more free promotional crap stuff thrust at them in an attempt to get noticed. That’s sad. Don’t do that.

Instead you need to focus.

Choosing the right materials depends on several factors: Who’s your target audience? Where do they hang out (online or offline)? What message/image do you want to convey? Don’t worry; I know this sounds like a lot—not unlike trying to find matching socks when you’re already late—putting the time in early saves you in the end!

Sorry if any of this has left you scratching your head (are you sure I’m to blame, you may have lice)—or perhaps wondering how on earth you’ll manage all these tasks (don’t worry you will)—take heart! Start small; pick one or two print materials based on budget and then target them where your potential customers are most likely to engage with them.

In closing (because let’s face it—I can’t keep rambling forever!), remember marketing a small business isn’t just about creating pretty things (that’s the fun part, but you need to put the work in to sell them)—business is about building relationships and making connections that resonate with people, hopefully in meaningful ways. I’ve highlighted some options today—its your job to dive into those marketing materials armed with knowledge and confidence!

And hey, if you’ve got thoughts or questions about any specific material mentioned—or even ones not listed here—feel free to drop a comment below! Let’s navigate this chaotic yet thrilling world of marketing together!