Why My Blog is So Informal

So, let’s get real for a second. How real? Real, real. You might have noticed (you didn’t say anything becuase you were being polite) but my site isn’t exactly the most polished piece of professional writing you’ve ever seen. And guess what? That’s on purpose. By design. Just the way it is. I mean, why stuff your brain with endless jargon and fluff (I hate that, you might too) when you could be getting the straight talk about small business? There are enough books out there filled to the brim with theory and “how-tos” (all good stuff to know by the way) that often dance around the actual realities of running a business (again, I hate that). Instead, I’m here to slice through all that nonsense.

I’m a practical person.

That’s how I am.

You know those moments when you try to find advice online and feel like you’re wading through a jungle of terms and theories, and lest we forget sales pitches (I don’t sale anything by the way)? Ugh! I’ve been there too, and it’s frustrating as all get-out! I decided early on that my blog would document not just the triumphs but also the pitfalls—real-life stuff I’ve faced while trying to make my business work. And believe me, there have been plenty of mistakes along the way. Some comically big blunders that came when I wasn’t paying attention. But instead of sugarcoating it or presenting it in some overly formal structure (because I am not a teacher), I just laid it all out there (I like to share, I’m a sharer). Like messy hair on a bad day—unfiltered, raw, and totally real.

Take it from someone who’s been knee-deep in this journey: if you want to succeed in small business, you’ve got to learn from others’ errors as much as their successes. Take my word for it, learning from somebody elseses error is better than making it yourself. My goal here is simple: share what needs saying without making you sift through layers of fluff (that’s garbage with only one goal). We’re talking practical advice—things like “Don’t spend too much on fancy logos when you haven’t even figured out your customer base,” (oh, that’s a good one!) or “Be prepared for cash flow issues; they will hit at the worst times.” (So true!) Those are nuggets every budding entrepreneur should hear. And hear often.

And here’s another thing: being informal doesn’t mean lacking substance, people get them mixed up. It means being approachable and relatable. When I write about my experiences—like how I accidentally mixed up my tax forms last year (oh, I didn’t write about that, that’s sort of embarrassing actually)—it resonates with others because it’s human (and dumb on my part)! It’s not always pretty; sometimes it involves late nights filled with coffee-fueled panic and Googling terms that seem more like riddles than answers (then the answers finally make sense). But we’re in this together!

For those who wonder (and those who don’t) why I don’t include more statistics or studies … well, let me ask you this: when was the last time data made someone feel better about their excruciatingly challenging month? I has happened, because, stats can back up claims (and they’re important, look at the Trump/Vance baseless claims), but let’s not forget what really matters—the emotional rollercoaster we ride as entrepreneurs! Business is business. By sharing unfiltered thoughts alongside practical advice (usually), we can build a community based on real experiences rather than theoretical ideals. Theory? Sure, it’s great, don’t get me wrong, but as much of what we do comes from applied knowledge and understanding of our market. Numbers on a page can back that up.

Oh—and speaking of those stats—I do occasionally sprinkle in some resources for good measure (they’re like those jimmies on donuts)! Links to articles or guides can be found throughout my posts because while anecdotes are great (and they are) for illustration, solid information is critical too. It’s all about balance really—keeping things light while still offering something useful at the end of your scroll.

So where does this leave us? Glad I asked it.

If you’re going into small business mode—or if you’re already knee-deep—you’ll appreciate an honest take on what works (and what doesn’t). No sugar-coating here; just genuine reflections from someone who’s walking (or stumbling) down that path alongside you.

In closing this super long post today—if you’re looking for perfection or professional polish elsewhere, well… good luck (I really mean that)! But if you want to connect over shared struggles and victories (even if they come wrapped in informality), then stick around! Together we’ll navigate these entrepreneurial waters without drowning in all that excess fluff. Let’s do this thing right—together—and keep it real while we’re at it!

Sounds like fun, count me in, and I hope to see you again soon!

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