The Art of Getting Noticed

I like to think of business as the art of getting noticed. Sure, there might be better offers out there than yours but if you get the attention–you get the business. What’s that mean? Well, let’s talk about marketing. I know I hear it too, it sounds like some buzzword that gets thrown around a lot in business circles, right? Makes the person using it sound important. But hear me out—marketing is not just a task on your to-do list (okay, it’s on there too); it’s the lifeblood of your business. Seriously! It lives and breathes because of your marketing efforts. If you want to succeed, you’ve got to be active and focused about getting your brand out there. Otherwise, what are you really doing? Just running in circles?

My aunt was an Avon rep. when I was growing up. No knee jerk reactions, they actually have some really great products. She gave me a deo for my boyfriend when I was in highschool since nothing quite covered it for him (the it was the smell of perspiration) Avon came to his rescue and made him a convert. Her business thrived, but only because she was willing to do the marketing that went with it, she got the word out while some of the other women in town came and went as reps. because they lacked that finesse.

So, what does it mean to actively market your business? Well, first off, it’s about understanding who you are (you fulfill a unique position in the market) and what you stand for (which reflects on your offer). Think of it as crafting a narrative, marketing is a little like storytelling. You want people to connect with your brand on a personal level—not just see it as another name in their crowded inboxes or social feeds. Think Drunk Elephant. It’s about telling your story and making sure people know where you want to go. But here’s the kicker: they won’t know if you don’t tell them! Be open. Let them get to know you. The creator of Drunk Elephant did this wonderfully on the company’s About page.

She does it with “Our Story.” Not the our, Tiffany Masterson is synonymous with the brand.

Okay, the art of getting noticed. Let’s break this down into bite-sized pieces:

Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience (you do right?) is like having the secret sauce for successful marketing, it makes everything better. So, who are they? Do you know? What interests them? Hopefully you business if you are marketing to them. Okay, right … these questions might seem super basic, but they’re crucial ones you need to answer. Think about the things like demographics—age, gender, location—but also consider their psychographics (yeah, it’s a word): their values, motivations, and lifestyle choices. Do these things overlap? What keeps them up at night (hopefully not your product)? What makes them laugh (hopefully not your product)? And don’t forget to explore where they hang out online or offline (if it sounds like you’re stalking them it is because you are). Marketing is about knowing who to market to and how. So … are they scrolling through Instagram, engaging in Facebook groups, or perhaps attending local meetups? Before we continue, I should note, this isn’t just a checkbox exercise; it’s vital because marketing isn’t one-size-fits-all solution. That is why blanket advertising rarely reaps the most rewards. Tailoring your approach based on this understanding will set you apart from the noise. Drunk Elephant marketed to health conscious cosmetic consumers in a time when that was the rage, that time was 2013. Six years late she sold her company for $835 million. Know. Your. Audience.

Get Out There

Now that you know your audience, it’s time to make your presence felt! Whether it’s crafting lively social media posts that spark conversations, sending out informative email newsletters that land right in their inboxes, or even hitting the pavement at networking events—putting yourself in environments where potential customers can notice you is key. Don’t be shy! Share snippets of your journey and show up authentically. The more visible you are in spaces where your audience congregates—be it virtual or physical—the higher the likelihood that they’ll start recognizing and remembering you.

Focus on Value

Here’s a little game-changer (that changes the way you play the game): instead of bombarding your audience (don’t YOU hate that?) with constant promotions (yawn), focus on creating content that genuinely adds value to their lives. This works wonders. So, for instance, consider sharing insightful tips or helpful resources with them, ones that directly address their needs and pain points (marketing talk for the problem you solve). Maybe write a blog post (oh, look—I’m writing a blog post) it can be about common challenges in your industry and provide actionable solutions (I should point out that you need to know your industry). This strategy builds trust (unless you don’t know what you are writing about) and positions you as an expert (a good position) rather than just another salesperson trying to push products down their throats. The latter is sort of like hitting them over the head with a stick. When people see you’re invested in helping them rather than merely selling to them (read: after their money), engagement naturally follows.

Be Consistent

Alright, you know me. My style. And my standpoint by now. I have shared it amply with you. People can say a lot about me, but one thing I am not is inconsistent. Consistency breeds familiarity (you know me)—and let’s face it, familiarity often leads to loyalty (though I don’t think that extends to me). It’s important to regularly pop up on your audience’s radar (no a UFO coming out of nowhere) with engaging content and updates about what you’re doing (and yes, don’t hesitate to share those inevitable stumbles too! They make you human.). Creating a rhythm is important because it helps establish a connection over time; it becomes part of their routine to check back for what you’ll share next. Regularly showing up not only solidifies your presence but also subtly reminds them of who you are (if they like you this is a major plus) and what value you’re providing.

Feedback Loop Feedback Loop Feedback Loop Feedback Loop…

I wanted to look at this one LAST, not because it’s the least important—no—don’t shy away from soliciting feedback! True, it can be scary. Encourage open conversations with potential customers about what they think of your offerings or ideas for improvement. It won’t all be actionable. But some might. And then … This input is gold; it shows that you value their opinions while also providing insights into how you can better serve them moving forward. A simple survey or an informal chat can work wonders here! Not only does this build community around your brand (read: brand loyalty), but it also allows for continuous improvement based on real user experience (because let’s face it, no product is perfect).

Now here’s the thing—it’s not just about shouting “Look at me!” into the void (remember what I said about blanket advertising?); it’s much deeper than that. Marketing involves building relationships over time—a patient game of connection-making where every touchpoint counts. Making you a success.

But wait…what happens when you’re not actively marketing? Downtime? Like I’ve said it is a full time job. Just imagine: You’re grinding away at creating amazing <STUFF> but barely anyone knows who you are (and worse you don’t know anybody either). It’s like shouting into an empty room—frustrating (to say the least)! That constant push toward visibility means putting yourself out there consistently until people start recognizing your name/brand (like some catchy tune stuck in their heads, after a while they’ll remember, in the case of the song they might not like it, but they’ll remember).

So why should we care so much about marketing our businesses? Because it is your business. Duh!

Well, success comes when people know who you are (what you sell) and what value you offer them. That awareness is important because it translates into trust (hopefully)—and let’s be real here—trust is essential for closing sales! Plus, being proactive with marketing opens doors to opportunities—collaborations or partnerships—that could take your business further than you’d ever dreamed. Well, not for me, I dream pretty big.

As daunting as all of this may sound (believe me, I’ve been there, am there), remember that even [small steps matter]()! Maybe start by posting once a week on social media or sending out a monthly newsletter sharing insights from behind the scenes at your company—whatever feels comfortable yet impactful for you! Be consistent!

And hey! I’m here rooting for you because I’ve seen firsthand how powerful effective marketing can be when done right. So go ahead—get out there make some noise! Let everyone know exactly where you’re headed and how scary exciting the journey will be along the way!

In essence, successful marketing boils down to being visible while staying genuine (that should be easy for most of us); showing potential customers not only where they can find great products/services but also why choosing YOU will make a difference in their lives.

Now take those ideas—and run with them … Or bike if that’s more your style! I love my bikey.

They’re Baby Steps Really

Starting a small business? It’s sorta like learning to walk isn’t it? First, I see that you’re standing mostly straight. All I can say it … Congratulations! Seriously, that’s a huge step. Most people don’t make it this far. The standing part. You need to get here before you get to go on. But let me tell you, as exciting as it is to bring your ideas to life, there’s one area you absolutely cannot overlook (actually there are a ton of them, but you gotta learn to walk before you can run, so): finances. I know, I know—sounds boring, right? Don’t worry, it is. But bare with me.

To start, let’s talk about counting pennies. Yes, every single one of them. It might seem trivial (who cares about a few cents here and there?), but if you’re not tracking your expenses down to the last penny, things can spiral out of control faster than you’d think (you know the old expression, pennies had more value back then, but they still matter). And those little costs add up! What you need to do is create a budget, then the hard part, stick to it like glue (or maybe duct tape—it’s stronger).

Then once you have mastered that, start putting dollars into the bank. This isn’t just about cash flow; it’s your safety net. When you’re starting out, every bit matters (no matter how small)—every sale counts (it’s make or break’)! Reinvent how you view profits (that means you are making money, that’s a good thing); they’re not just numbers—they’re fuel for growth. Reinvest wisely (frequently) and make sure that money works for you instead of against you. The against, would be when you don’t adhere to the budget.

Oh and one last thing, don’t forget about bookkeeping! A good bookkeeping system is like your financial GPS (your monetary Sherpa)—keeping you on the right track and away from trouble spots that send you careening off a cliff. Trust me; tax season will be way less sobering if you’re organized (that is unless you’re in the Kraft beer market, then I’m afraid you’re never sober).

In short, it comes down to this: focus on your finances from day one. Count those pennies, watch those dollars stack up in the bank, and you’ll build something lasting—and truly amazing!

Babysitting Blunders

Question: How many of you out their were told to do baby sitting when you wanted to make some extra cash? Show of hands. That’s what I thought.

So there I was, a naive fifteen-year-old with grand dreams of spending more than just her allowance. When the opportunity for a babysitting gig popped up, I thought, “How hard can it be?” Oh, sweet summer child. Spoiler alert: It’s really hard. Scarely so!

But I tried. Imagine for a moment if you will, it’s a Saturday night, and I’m decked out in my best babysitter attire—sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt of my favorite boyband that has seen better days (to be fair they told me to come comfortably dressed, I took them at their word). The parents are thrilled to escape for a few hours of much-needed adult time they said (because who wouldn’t want to leave their precious darlings with someone like me? Please don’t answer that.). SO there we were, getting things straightened away. They hand over the keys and $40 in cash—holla! That was like winning the babysitting lottery! Though it was sorta strange that they paid me in advance, thinking about it in retrospect.

Let me set the scene for you. There’s me. A house. And kids that needed sitting. Standard ingredients. The kids were adorable at first glance (aren’t they always)… but then they started bouncing off the walls like hyperactive kangaroos after a sugar rush (the sugar rush was sort of my fault, that one could have been avoided). This family had two little ones (probably still do, just they’re not that little anymore): an energetic five-year-old boy we’ll call Tim who could definitely moonlight as an Olympic runner and his four-year-old sister who we will call Cher—let’s just say she had some serious opinions … not just a few … about everything from snack choices to which toys deserved her undying affection (now I know what you are thinking, diva, but it was more like mini-diva).

An hour in, chaos reigns supreme. But still, $40 bucks is $40 bucks, and it was one down three to go.

They’ll get tired soon.

What a lie.

By now Tim has climbed onto the kitchen counter (how?!), while his sister is sobbing inconsolably because I offered her apple slices instead of cookies (I know, right? Apples are nature’s candy!). By now, I’m gasping for air as I try to mediate negotiations over toy ownership rights while also figuring out how to keep them both alive until their parents return. I had a tamagotchi once, it did not live long and I didn’t want to make the same mistakes. Believe me.

To make matters worse, let’s talk about snacks. In my infinite wisdom (14 years feels like a long time), I decided popcorn (Oh, popcorn! I love popcorn!) was a great idea since it’s easy and harmless—wrong! It turned into a popcorn explosion that left kernels everywhere…and when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. At home I was known for my popcorn popping skills. There should’ve been warning labels on those bags: “Caution: Potentially hazardous when combined with overly excited children.” Because in all my 14 years I’d never had a mishap of this magnitude (that my mother couldn’t clean up)!

It was ten sorts of terror for the remainder of the time.

Fast forward to when the clock strikes 10 PM; instead of feeling like a hero saving the day, here comes the cavalry—the parents return home! And let me tell you what they found: me looking like I’d just survived an apocalypse with wild hair sticking up in every direction and massive bags under my eyes that could rival any luxury handbag brand which I can’t afford.

They walk in and immediately burst into laughter—a laugh that felt more like mockery than amusement if we’re being honest, which I am. Let’s be real; my future as a full-time babysitter disappeared faster than those cookies should have! They thanked me profusely (it felt kinda patronizing at that point and honestly they were probably just happy they weren’t the only ones to screw things up for a change), I left with honest earned money in my pocket—and there it was—the catalyst for my next big adventure.

A year later on the verge of my sixteenth birthday—I got crafty! Noticing [how calming candle-making can be]() after what felt like a war zone evening—it became my passion project filled with as you know trials and tribs. With scents wafting through the air rather than toddler tantrums echoing in my ears (thank goodness! I’d have probably taken up drinking.), I went from surviving chaos to creating catastrophes calm.

So now here we are. Instead of basing my early successes on babysitting nightmares, I got started pouring wax into jars and blending fragrant oils while reminiscing about how one chaotic night led me down this crazy entrepreneurial path I’ve been on for years. If you ever think about venturing into babysitting? Don’t. Or at the very least know this—bring some earplugs or better yet… stick to something where small children aren’t your co-workers—you’ll thank your past self later!

And if you’re willing to share your own hilarious anecdotes or tips on how NOT to babysit children or any other crazy side hustle teenagers end up trying… please do! Because honestly? Everyone could use a good laugh now and then—and let’s face it; nobody wants those hot popcorn kernels ending up in their baggy N’Sync shirt (ah … JC Chasez Chris Kirkpatrick)!

How Selling Lemonade Lit My Entrepreneurial Flame and Quenched Our Thirst

Ah, the sweet taste of nostalgia! And Kool-Aid (which actually did the quenching)!

Oh, wait, it also reminds me of childhood cavities, which sorta sucks, since … well, cavities.

Wanna take a walk? Let’s take a cozy walk down memory lane to a sun-soaked summer day when I was about six or seven. There we were, my friend Jen and I were brimming with big dreams and even bigger ideas—specifically, the idea of selling lemonade. Why lemonade? Blame it on our childhood TV cravings. You know those classic shows from that painted a picture of small-town charm? Yeah, we thought we’d hop on that bandwagon too (actually we thought we’d stand behind a cardboard box and sell sugar, it works for the soft drink industry)!

With visions of dollar bills dancing in our heads (which is actually pretty funny if you actually think about it), we called upon our trusty sidekicks—our moms (these our life’s true heroes)—for help. And boy, did they deliver! We whipped up a batch of lemonade so tart it could probably grant wishes if you squeezed it hard enough (who even says this anymore?). But wait! We weren’t stopping there; we also made some Kool-Aid, because why not, its bright and fun and sweet? If one sugary beverage is good, two must be better, right?

Now here’s where things got interesting (for two six year olds). We fashioned our very own stand complete with a sign that screamed “LEMONADE” (though we spelled it “LEM-O-NADE,” because that was our brand) in bold letters—if only I had known then how “professional” signage might have helped us attract more customers (spoiler alert: it wouldn’t have). Still, the stage was set: the sun blazed down like it had its own agenda for the day (and truthfully, it probably did), and we felt ready to conquer the world (our our street).

Except… reality hit harder than we expected. After what felt like an eternity—or maybe just an hour—we had sold four cups of lemonade. Just four! Four stinking cups, though they din’t stink, at least I don’t think so. Was this some cosmic joke on Jen and Chrish? Where were all the thirsty passersby, or at least kids in the neighborhood with money to spend? Perhaps they were too captivated by their own childhoods to notice us waving brightly colored cups like flags at a parade.

And then came the moment came (success you ask, no)—the great wasp attack! Oh yes, nature decided to intrude on our entrepreneurial venture with an army of buzzing baddies that seemed bent on ruining our day. They weren’t killer wasps like today. Don’t worry; no one got stung. Thank goodness for small mercies! But let me tell you—this little incident sent us running for cover faster than you can say “lemonade stand” or actually “wasp, run!”

In the end, after much deliberation and possibly some tears (okay, maybe just mild disappointment which is also worth crying about), we called it quits for the day. We divided what little money we made—$1 each—and then promptly realized that after factoring in costs for supplies… well folks, let’s just say we owed our parents about $10 each. Sorry mom, I swear I’ll pay you back someday!

From such humble beginnings blossomed something much bigger within me—a spark ignited by laughter, purple sticky fingers from Kool-Aid spills, and lessons learned through trial and error (mostly error, but the real errors were yet to come). That tiny lemonade stand may not have been financially successful but oh boy, did it get my entrepreneurial flame burning bright, id just overlook it for another decade!

So here’s what I’ve learned since that fateful day (okay, I’ve learn more than this let’s be honest, that was a long time ago): every business journey starts somewhere (it’s true)—even if it’s armed only with some cups of lemonade and a swarm of angry wasps as your antagonists. Embrace those moments (and run from the wasps); they shape who you are today.

And who knows? Maybe someday you’ll find yourself sipping on something stronger than lemonade (like Bacardi) while reminiscing about your first business venture too—or at least laughing at how far you’ve come (Jen and I are still friends) from those days spent hustling on sunny sidewalks with nothing but dreams in your pockets (to be honest, none of my pants had pockets back then, and the ones I have now are so laughably small). Cheers to past failures that pave the way for future successes! <- If nobody really smart said that before me, I said it first.